Help Center - Can I include anything with my CD?

Search Terms:

You should not include anything apart from the discs, the front/back inserts promised and packing materials.  No religious or political material may be included in SwapaCD packages.  We have a diverse membership and including such materials is very likely to offend.  No advertising of any kind may be included in SwapaCD packages (the Terms of Use prohibit commercial use of the site).

Including any extraneous materials such as advertising, political or religious tracts in a SwapaCD package will jeopardize membership here.  Don't do it.

If you are using Media Mail rate to send your package, you need to be aware that Media Mail regulations are very strict: only media (books, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes) and an invoice (page 2 of the SwapaCD Wrapper qualifies as an invoice) are allowed to be sent using Media Mail rate.  No advertising, commercial solicitation, political materials, religious tracts, non-Media items, letters, cards are allowed.

  • Media Mail is subject to postal inspection
  • If your package is found to be in violation of Media Mail regulations:
    • Your package may be returned to you
    • Your package may be delivered to the requestor postage-due
    • Your package may be destroyed.

What is Allowed in a package sent using Media Mail rate:

  • Media, as described above
  • A note with a simple accompanying message,
    • such as "Happy Birthday!" or "Hope you enjoy it!"
  • An invoice or notification of the shipment
    • The second page of the SwapaCD Wrapper falls into this category.
    • The USPS eligibility guidelines for enclosures and attachments for Media Mail say (we have edited these for relevance; the full regulations are at
    • 4.3 Written Enclosures

    • Markings that have the character of personal correspondence require, with certain exceptions, additional postage at the First-Class Mail prices. The following written additions and enclosures do not require additional First-Class Mail postage:

      a. The sender's and the addressee's names, occupations, and addresses, preceded by "From" or "To," and directions for handling. (page 2 of the SwapaCD Wrapper qualifies here)

      b. Marks, numbers, names, or letters describing the contents. (page 2 of the PBS Wrapper qualifies here)

      c. Words or phrases such as "Do Not Open Until Christmas" and "Happy Birthday, Mother." 

      d. Instructions and directions for the use of the item mailed. (page 2 of the PBS Wrapper qualifies here)

      4.4 Invoice (page 2 of the SwapaCD Wrapper qualifies here)

      An invoice, whether it also serves as a bill, may be placed either inside a Media Mail piece or in an envelope marked "Invoice Enclosed" and attached to the outside of the piece if the invoice relates solely to the matter with which it is mailed. The invoice may show this information:

      a. Names and addresses of the sender and addressee.

      b. Names and quantities of the articles enclosed, descriptions of each (e.g., price, tax, style, stock number, size, and quality, and, if defective, nature of defects).

      c. Order or file number, date of order, date and manner of shipment, shipping weight, postage paid, and initials or name of packer or checker.

Including anything but the ALLOWED materials above in your package is a serious infraction of not only SwapaCD rules, but also Federal law. Including inappropriate materials with your books will jeopardize your membership at SwapaCD.


Related Links:

USPS guidelines on attachments/enclosures for Media Mail
How much does it cost to mail a CD?

Which CDs can be posted on this site?
How to Print the SwapaCD Wrapper

What can be swapped here?