Search - Becky Hays CH/MNLP :: Guided Hypnosis Meditations - Success Principles - Stop Procrastinating - Improve Memory - Attract Prosperity - Get Motivated (3 CD Audio set)

Guided Hypnosis Meditations - Success Principles - Stop Procrastinating - Improve Memory - Attract Prosperity - Get Motivated (3 CD Audio set)
Becky Hays CH/MNLP
Guided Hypnosis Meditations - Success Principles - Stop Procrastinating - Improve Memory - Attract Prosperity - Get Motivated (3 CD Audio set)
Genre: Special Interest
Guided Hypnosis Meditations — Success Principles — 3 Powerhouse guided hypnosis sessions — Each session is unique - with guided imagery, NLP techniques and hypnotic suggestions to gently nudge you towards a higher level of su...  more »


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Product Description
Guided Hypnosis Meditations
Success Principles

3 Powerhouse guided hypnosis sessions

Each session is unique - with guided imagery, NLP techniques and hypnotic suggestions to gently nudge you towards a higher level of success.

As you sit back and relax and listen to an engaging story, the deeper work comes from the combined skills of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and hypnotic language patterns designed to create a shift within leading to new results without.

CD #1 Prosperity Attraction
Raise your prosperity set point.

Everyone has a "prosperity set point" - an inner money blueprint that sets the limit on how much wealth you allow to come into your life.
As you raise your prosperity set point, you expand your ability to see opportunity and act on it.

CD #2 Get Unstuck and Move Forward
Overcome Procrastination

Many people feel stuck - and cannot seem to get moving.
This engaging guided meditation is like reading a good book. By the end of the story you will Feel a slight shift, and as you listen daily, your subconscious mind will engage.
You may have more positive thoughts or take bold steps that indicate you are moving forward once again.

CD #3 Improve Your Memory
What if you could rearrange your inner mind to have a better memory?
Would this help you to succeed?

When you can learn something new, absorb it, and recall it with ease, you function at a higher level - destined to experience more success.

Listen daily, or weekly, to reorganize your inner mind, and improve your ability to recall information, when you need it.

This Trio Powerhouse combination helps you to:

Raise your inner money blueprint to see opportunities around you.

Overcome Procrastination and feel motivated to take action

Improve your Memory to give you that slight edge for success.