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 What our Music Club & CD Exchange is all about...

Learn more about our CD Exchange
We help music fans Swap, Trade & Exchange Used CDs...
Mail a CD. Get a CD. Every time you ship a CD to another member, you can request one for yourself having it delivered directly to your door! Any album you request is yours to keep, share or trade.

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What our club members are saying about SwapaCD... Read More Testimonials - Leave Your Testimonial

I love this site and it's sister site too. What I love most... is finally being able to afford the stuff I've always wanted and being able to clear my shelves off at the same time.
Kathleen B. - N CAPE MAY, NJ

I have been a member for 2 days and already have 3 cds on the way to me. Everyone here is very helpful and a joy to deal with. From the people who gave us the best book swap on the net.