Discussion Forums - Questions about SwapaCD

Topic: Am I reading the wishlist "graph" wrong?

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debs (Debbie B.)

Subject: Am I reading the wishlist "graph" wrong?
Date Posted: 5/25/2010 8:43 AM ET
Member Since: 8/9/2006
Posts: 38
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Looking at the graph of one of my wishlist items, there are 3 of us wishing.   I am first in line for the cd and have it at position 13 on my WL.  The next person has it at around position 4000. The thid person has it near position 14,000!  Can someone really have 14,000 cd's on their wishlist (and possibly beyond) or am I reading this wrong?

djtal (Daniel T.)

Date Posted: 5/25/2010 10:00 AM ET
Member Since: 6/11/2007
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Although I can't say whether you're reading the graph wrong or not, there are indeed some hard-core traders out there.  14,000 CDs on a WishList wouldn't surprise me.

scotso (Scott C.)

Date Posted: 5/27/2010 4:58 PM ET
Member Since: 11/8/2007
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i have a pretty large wishlist, and the items near the end, never seem to move up, even if they get posted, because ultimately

 someone else will add it to their WL, and move ahead of me , because they have it alot lower on their WL.  I keep saying i am going to shorten my WL, and never really do, other than the cds i buy, which seem higher lately than the ones i get through this site.   IT appears that this site is losing some of its early steam.

Keerayduh (Steve L.)

Date Posted: 5/28/2010 11:27 AM ET
Member Since: 10/3/2006
Posts: 473
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It's funny - in the beginning, when we were allowed only 3 CDs or so on our W/L - we used to see neat things pop up in the "posted today" lists.  Now, with unlimited W/L size (and I'm guilty of having a large W/L - so I'm not ragging on others), most neat things get picked up as wish listed and the "posted today" list tends to be same old same old. 

There are pros and cons to both ways of doing it - and I'm not even sure which way I prefer.  I think I lean toward a more restrictive W/L - which would mean some neat things would pop up that either I forgot about or didn't know existed.

I'm sure it must be a little frustrating to some people to have only a few things on W/L and find they're #157 in line.   On the other hand, I have received some neat things because I have a large W/L.

Last Edited on: 5/28/10 12:30 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
GregoryNipper (Gregory N.)

Date Posted: 5/29/2010 2:44 PM ET
Member Since: 7/10/2009
Posts: 69
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For people like myself who seek a lot of obscure CDs and also want full cover art, it can be very tough to get anything one specifically wants without having a huge wishlist.  My wishlist is about 1,200 items (cut down from over 1,500) and I still go months without getting a wish granted. I still see a good number of interesting things posted for anyone to request, and lately I've gotten impatient and started ordering a lot of those, even though I may not have bought them otherwise.

I think the system is probably just fine as it is. I just wish the number of discs getting posted would keep on increasing the way it had been.  The number of discs actually mailed from May 2008 to May '09 increased 60 percent over the previous year, but the number mailed from May '09 to May '10 was only 25 percent higher than the previous year.

Last Edited on: 5/29/10 3:31 PM ET - Total times edited: 1