Discussion Forums - CD Bazaar

Topic: Looking for deals on Sinead O'Connor CDs

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ritarene (Rita M.)

Subject: Looking for deals on Sinead O'Connor CDs
Date Posted: 1/30/2010 12:20 PM ET
Member Since: 7/20/2008
Posts: 23
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Hello! I'm hoping some of you out there have Sinead O'Connor cds on your towers and are offering deals. I'm a huge fan and already have all of her cds (some in multiples), but some I have played so many times that they now have blank spots. Others have scratches from getting shuffled around in my car so much. I took them & had them cleaned, but a couple were beyond repair. I love having multiple copies to keep in different vehicles, in the house, and at work to minimize the shuffling, too. SO, if you have anything and are willing to offer a deal, please PM me. Thanks!