Discussion Forums - Questions about SwapaCD

Topic: What Constitutes a "bump"?

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Dave N.

Subject: What Constitutes a "bump"?
Date Posted: 8/12/2016 11:03 PM ET
Member Since: 5/17/2014
Posts: 1,665
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I've noticed something lately quite by accident at first but, now that I've seen it, I watched and it's been repeated more than once already in both the DVD and CD bazzars. I've seen a posting member bringing their topic to the top of the list at least twice a day sometimes. It happened here again today but, clicking on their post this time, the record of both of what I understood as "bump"s didn't show up at all. It doesn't even show the "bump" that happened the second time and is high on the list above earlier "bump"s in the records shown today. It still shows up when it was raised the second time on the main page but not on the other record. Both records always showed up there before when I checked. Anyway, the way I've seen this happen is like this: Apparantly, the member made a transaction in a PM and, instead of thanking the other member back in a PM or bumping their ad the next day for any type of small update, it's done in the same place they bumped from earlier. In effect, their topic goes to the top of everyone else's twice on that day. I was wondering if it's okay for a member to do this since the rule here (similarily) on the DVD and, I assume on the paperback site reads :

"In the CD Bazaar, each member may start a maximum of 2 topics per day, and may "bump" a topic only once per day (not the same day that the topic was started).  This is a rule."

If I'm understanding the rule correctly, this isn't fair to the other members posting topics on these sites. If it is allowed, I'm sure the rest of the posters would like to do it with their topics too.

Any help about if I'm somehow misinterpreting the meaning of this rule and if doing the same would be breaking it, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Windyastro (Laura B.)

Date Posted: 8/30/2016 7:40 PM ET
Member Since: 8/25/2010
Posts: 165
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Only way to "bump" a topic is to post to it as far as I know.

So yes, it is a rule that you can't update your own topic more than 1x per 24 hours. 

And yes, thanking people etc. is a sly way to bump your own topic  LOL  It also clutters it up.   

It is okay though, for instance, if you are in WL multiples, and then you find more "stuff" to post after your first listing.   Sometimes you jsut find stragglers and by posting that you have something to add to your WL Mulitples, it WILL bump that topic up.

HOwever, that is a "useful" bump, i.e. it contains information that is useful to other members i.e., you have something they may want, which encourages trading.   



scotso (Scott C.)

Date Posted: 9/15/2016 3:21 PM ET
Member Since: 11/8/2007
Posts: 1,019
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the credit sellers are a bit crazy with all of their bumping, everything else seems to get lost.  I asked the site to make a credit selling thread.  They said they couldn't, because while they don't forbid selling of credits, they don't want to encourage it.  

tennisrep (Mitch E.)

Date Posted: 9/15/2016 7:58 PM ET
Member Since: 3/27/2011
Posts: 170
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 I just don't understand the whole not wanting to encourage the sale of credits .   Those credits are then being used on the site which is generating the transaction fees that keep the site running .   Why is that a bad thing ?????   People that are selling the credits obviously can't use them and people who are buying the credits obviously can so what's the big deal?  Except that now with the stupid, idiotic three dollar minimum, no one wants to buy credits anymore because they're not worth three dollars !  So once again credits are sitting around not getting used and not generating any transaction fees.  Brilliant administrators, absolutely brilliant.