Michelle Shocked

CDs Michelle Shocked performed on...

Currently Available CDs (5)

2004 - Captain Swing

Genres: Alternative Rock, Folk, Pop, Rock
1996 - Kind Hearted Woman

Genres: Alternative Rock, Folk, Pop, Rock
1994 - Arkansas Traveler

Genres: Alternative Rock, Folk, Pop, Rock
1990 - Short Sharp Shocked

1989 - Captain Swing

Currently Unavailable CDs (22)

2009 - Soul of My Soul

Genres: Folk, Pop, Rock
2007 - To Heaven U Ride (Dig)

Genres: Folk, International Music, Pop, Rock, Gospel
2006 - Mexican Standoff (Dig)

Genres: Alternative Rock, Blues, Folk, Pop, Rock, Latin Music
2005 - Don't Ask Don't Tell (Dig)

2005 - Got No Strings (Dig)

2005 - Threesome (Dig)

2004 - Arkansas Traveler

2003 - Short Sharp Shocked

2003 - Texas Campfire Takes

2002 - Deep Natural

2000 - Mercury Poise 1988-1995
1996 - Mercury Poise 1988-95
1996 - Big Blues
1995 - Arkansas Traveler
1994 - More Than Unplugged
1990 - Texas Campfire Tapes
1988 - Anchorage EP
Nine Lives A Musical Adaptation (Volume 1)
Live at the World Cafe Volume 5
City Folk Live 5
Femme Fatale - A History of Women in Popular Music (3 Cd Set)
Arkansas Traveler

CDs Michelle Shocked helped create...

Currently Available CDs (1)

Sweet Relief - A Benefit for Victoria Williams

Genre: Rock

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2007 - Give US Your Poor

Genres: Folk, Pop, Rock
2002 - Texas Campfire Tapes

Genres: Alternative Rock, Folk, Pop, Rock
1071 KGSR Radio Austin Broadcasts Vol 10