Michael Gandolfi

CDs Michael Gandolfi helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (11)

2011 - Higdon On a Wire GanDolfi QED Engaging Richard Feynman

Genre: Classical
2009 - Telarc Classical SACD Sampler 6 (Hybrid SACD)

Genre: Classical
2008 - Michael Gandolfi Y2K Compliant

Genre: Classical
2008 - Michael Gandolfi The Garden of Cosmic Speculation (Hybrid SACD)

2008 - Michael Gandolfi The Garden of Cosmic Speculation

2008 - Visions

2005 - Poetics

2005 - Society for New Music presents Pinocchio Beauty and the Beast

1993 - Thomas E Barker Trikhyalo 3 Pieces for French Horn / Eugene Kurtz From Time to Time / Michael Gandolfi Il Ventaglio Di Josephine Caution To the Wind

1993 - Lehrdahl Waves / Druckman Nor Spell Nor Charm / Bolcom Orphee-Serenade / Gandolfi Points of Departure (1988)

Plain Song Fantastic Dances Chamber Music by American Composers