Currently Available CDs (2) | Currently Unavailable CDs (194)2009 - Andrs Segovia Plays 2009 - Venetian Brass Gabrieli Frescobaldi Guami 2009 - Frescobaldi Toccatas Partitas 2008 - Frescobaldi Affetti cantabile 2008 - Marco Scacchi his time 2008 - Love Letters 2008 - Frescobaldi Canzone 2008 - Frescobaldi Toccate d'Intavolatura di Cimbalo dal Primo Libro 2008 - Best of Michel Tirabosco Vol 2 Flte de Pan et Cordes 2008 - Andrea Falconieri La Suave Melodia 2008 - Compositori Padani del 16th secolo 2008 - The Asconia Recital and Others 2008 - Romantic Baroque - works for solo flute and recorder by Purcell Vivaldi Albinoni Frescobaldi Telemann Stanley Scarlatti and Poglietti 2008 - Ascona Recital Other 2008 - Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 50th Anniversary Box 2008 - Reinhold Friedrich Trompete-Orgel-Posaune (TOP) 2008 - Canta la Maddalena 2008 - Recitar Cantando 2008 - Bach Musikalisches Opfer Prludium Fuge BWV 552 Frescobaldi 3 Toccaten 2008 - Historic Organs of Mallorca 2008 - La Voce nel Violino 2008 - Gabrielli Complete Works for Cello 2008 - Philippe Jaroussky - Un concert pour Mazarin 2008 - Cleveland in Columbus 2007 - Europe Baroque (Box Set) 2007 - Albinoni Adagio 2007 - Souls Reflections 2007 - L'Organo di Novalesa 2007 - Tango Argentino Baroque Classics 2007 - Virtuoso Italian Vocal Music 2007 - Per il Santissimo Natale 2007 - Lamentazioni per la Settimana Santa 2007 - Strana Armonia d'Amore 17th Century Italian Music 2007 - L'amore ostinato 2007 - The Fabulous Andrs Segovia 2007 - Frescobaldi Le Canzoni da Sonare 2007 - Orgues de Provence 2007 - Magic Horn (Enhanced CD-Rom) 2007 - The Art of Melancholy 2007 - Isabella Leonarda Vespro a cappella della Beata Vergine 2006 - Fiati Virtuosi Italian Instrumental Music 1580-1630 2006 - Frescobaldi Accenni - Suonate d'intavolatura /Aymes 2006 - Love Lament 2006 - The Harp of Luduvico 2006 - Baroque Guitar 2006 - Ghirlanda Sacra Il Mottetto a voce sola a Venezia 2006 - Andrs Segovia Guitar Recital 2006 - William Matteuzzi - Dolci miei sospiri (Arie antiche) 2006 - Nun klingen sie wieder 2006 - Affettuoso 2006 - Balli Capricci and Stravaganze 17th Century Italian Music for Strings 2006 - Girolamo Frescobaldi Harpsichord Works 2006 - Philippe Jaroussky - Beata Vergine 2006 - Seicento Italiano 2006 - Cello Orgel 2006 - The Eastman Italian Baroque Organ 2006 - La rvolution du Baroque italien 2005 - Great Performances The Antiphonal Music of Gabrieli 2005 - Fantastic Style 17th-Century Violin Music 2005 - Monteverdi Scherzi Musicali 2005 - Gregorio Allegri Miserere Mei 2005 - Gillian Weir Plays the 1861 William Hill Mulholland Grand Organ in the Ulster Hall Belfast 2005 - Early Italian Chamber Music 2005 - Per un bacio 2005 - Frescobaldi Messa Della Domenica 2005 - Frutti Musicali 2005 - Songs of Celebration 2004 - Historic Organs of North Carolina 2004 - Girolamo Frescobaldi Harpsichord Works 2004 - The Great Organs of First Church Vol 2 2004 - Bach Cantatas Nos 10 47 (Includes Bonus Baroque Sampler) 2004 - Frescobaldi Il Primo Libro di Capricci 2004 - Il Giardino di Giulio Caccini 2004 - Frescobaldi Canzoni 2004 - Girolamo Frescobaldi Louis Couperin 2004 - All' Improvviso Ciaccone Bergamasche un po' di Follie 2004 - Claviorgan Fireworks 2004 - Mottetti Giubilari dal XVI al XX secolo 2004 - Sonate Al Pizzico 2004 - The Golden Years of Andrs Segovia Recordings 1952-1954 2004 - 17th Century Organ Music 2004 - The Art of Frescobaldi Masterpieces of the Italian Baroque 2004 - Fiori Musicali 2004 - Madrigali diminuiti e passaggiati tra voce e cembalo 2004 - Amours Zphyrs Sirnes 2004 - Flute Music of the 16th 17th Centuries 2004 - Girolamo Frescobaldi Canzoni 2003 - Deller's Choice 2003 - Pierre Hanta Plays Bach Bull Frescobaldi Scarlatti Telemann (Box Set) 2003 - Early Italian Harpsichord Music (1502-1670) 2003 - The Age of Cesario Gussago 2003 - Anno 1630 2003 - Giacomo Carissimi Historia di Jepthe Damnatorum Lamentatio etc 2003 - Pastorali Italiane Vol 1 XVII e XVII secolo 2003 - The Baroque Album 2003 - Basilicata A Musical Journey in the Provinces of the Kingdom of Naples - Liuwe Tamminga 2003 - Piangete Cantatas Motets by Giacomo Carissimi 2003 - Trivium 2003 - Girolamo Frescobaldi Il Viaggio nelle Fiandre 2003 - Carlos Mena - vespro a voce sola 2003 - Il Giardino di Giulio Caccini 2003 - All' Italiana 2003 - In Stilo Moderno Frescobaldi Vivaldi 2002 - TOP Trompete Orgel Posaune 2002 - Frescobaldi Fiori Musicali - Rinaldo Alessandrini 2002 - Tango Argentina Baroque Classics 2002 - Frescobaldi Cage Anarchic Harmonies 2002 - Gabrieli in Venice 2002 - Love Lament (Hybrid SACD) 2002 - Ex Libris The Musical Library of J S Bach 2002 - Pan-Pipes and Organ French and Italian Music from the 16th to the 18th Century 2002 - Canto Mediterraneo 2002 - Love Lament 2001 - Capriccio Stravagante Vol 2 2001 - Frescobaldi Canzoni da Sonar Vol2 2001 - La Nuove Musiche 2001 - Frescobaldi Harpsichord Works 2001 - Goldberg Variations/Harpsichord Works 2001 - Bach and the Italian Influence 2001 - Commuter Classics Drive Time AM 2001 - L'Organo in Europa From Renaisance to Baroque 2001 - Frescobaldi Partite Toccate 2001 - Capriccio Stravagante Vol 1 2000 - Cantantibus Organis 2000 - Frescobaldi Messa sopra l'aria di Fiorenza - Gagliano Motets 2000 - Scott Ross Organ Works 2000 - Cello Virtuoso 2000 - Gaspar Cassad 2000 - Andres Segovia - The Gold Collection 2000 - Canta la Maddalena Maria Cristina Kiehr 2000 - Four Centuries of JS Bach 2000 - Der Himmel lacht Die Erde jubilieret 2000 - Die grte Kirchenorgel der Welt und die Glocken im Hohen Dom zu Passau 2000 - Gagliano Missa in Assumptione Beat Mari Virginis 2000 - Il Barocco Strumentale Italiano 2000 - A doi tenori / Boterf Ragon (Duetti da chiesa nella Roma del Primo Seicento) 1999 - The Songs of Solomon Motets of the Italian Renaissance 1999 - Stefan Hussong plays Frescobaldi 1999 - Hans Kindler World Premiere Recordings with the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington DC (Recorded 1940-42) 1999 - Lute Songs Un soir la cour 1999 - Of Knights Castles 1999 - Baroque Games of the Italian 17th Century 1999 - Frescobaldi Fioretti del Sig Frescobaldi 1999 - Frescobaldi Motets 1999 - Organi Storici d'Italia 1999 - Girolamo Frescobaldi Works For Organ - Liuwe Tamminga 1999 - Virtuoso Solo Music for Cornetto 1999 - A Flower Is a Lovesome Thing 1998 - The Anatomy of Melancholy 1998 - When They Had Pedals Vol 1 - The Pleyel 1998 - A due 1998 - Spanish Guitar Music 1998 - Phantasticus 17th Century Italian Violin Music 1998 - The Age of Extravagance 1997 - Lo Splendore D'Italia 1997 - Splendor Of The Harpsichord 1997 - 150 Anni di Musici Italiana (Box Set) 1997 - Baroque Music for Recorder 1996 - The Antiphonal Music of Gabrieli 1996 - Love Letters from Italy 1996 - The Italian Lute Song 1996 - Renaissance and Baroque Organ Music - Herbert Tachezi 1996 - Marini und seine Zeitgenossen 1996 - Percorsi della Musica Italiana Dal '500 Al '700 1996 - Primo Libro Dei Madrigali 1995 - 17th Century Italian Recorder Music 1995 - Divisions on an Ayre 1995 - Aspects On Harpsichord 1995 - Sweet was the Song 1995 - Philippe Chanel performs on Clavicord Sweelinck Cabezon Gabrieli and others 1995 - The Concert 1995 - TOP Trompete Orgel Posaune 1995 - Royal Music 1994 - Clas Pehrsson 1994 - In a Quiet Cathedral 1994 - Arnold Schoenberg Variationen ber ein Rezitativ Girolamo Frescobaldi Ricercare cromatica post il Credo etc 1993 - Girolamo Frescobaldi Fiori Musicali - Rinaldo Alessandrini (Gian Giacomo Antegnati organ, 1554, S. Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore, Milano) 1993 - Songs of Love and War 1993 - The Recorded Cello The History of the cello on record Vol 2 1990 - The Canadian Brass Plays the Pachelbel Canon - Great Baroque Music Virtuoso Solo Music for Cornetto The Anatomy of Melancholy Eliot Fisk Performs Bell' Italia Four Centuries of Italian Music Art of the Trumpet