Duncan Browne

CDs Duncan Browne performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (13)

2009 - Give Me Take You

Genres: Pop, Rock
2006 - Give Me Take You

Genres: Pop, Rock
2004 - Journey Anthology 1967-1993

Genres: Folk, Pop, Rock
2004 - Wild Places//Streets of Fire

2002 - Travelling Man

2002 - Duncan Browne

2002 - The Wild Places/Streets of Fire

2002 - The Wild Places / Streets of Fire

2002 - Duncan Browne

2001 - Give Me Take You

2000 - Songs of Love War
1998 - Streets of Fire
1991 - Give Me Take You

CDs Duncan Browne helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (1)

2000 - Give Me Take You

Genres: Folk, Pop, Rock