Arthur Russell

CDs Arthur Russell performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (14)

2019 - Philip Glass The Not-Doings of An Insomniac

Genre: Classical
2009 - The Sleeping Bag Sessions

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Pop
2008 - Love Is Overtaking Me (Dig)

Genres: Folk, Pop, Rock
2006 - Springfield

2006 - Another Thought

2006 - First Thought Best Thought

2006 - First Thought Best Thought

2005 - World of Echo

2004 - The World of Arthur Russell

2004 - Calling Out of Context

2004 - The World of Arthur Russell
2004 - World of Arthur Russell
1994 - Another Thought
Mojo Presents Purple Soul

CDs Arthur Russell helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (3)

2008 - The Death of Don Juan

Genres: New Age, Pop, Rock, Classical
2005 - World of Echo

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Alternative Rock, Jazz, Special Interest, Pop, Rock
2004 - Calling Out of Context

Genres: Dance & Electronic, Jazz, Special Interest, Rock