Currently Available CDs (10) | Currently Unavailable CDs (43)2005 - Knuckle Down 2004 - Educated Guess 2004 - Educated Guess 2003 - Evolve 2002 - Not a Pretty Girl 2002 - Dilate 2002 - Up Up Up Up Up 2002 - To the Teeth (+1 Bonus Track) 2002 - So Much Shouting So Much Laughter 2002 - Dilate 2000 - Swing Set 2000 - Steal This Movie (2000 Film) 1999 - Fellow Workers 1999 - Fellow Workers 1999 - Not a Pretty Girl 1999 - Up Up Up Up Up 1998 - Little Plastic Castle (Japan) 1998 - Little Plastic Castles 1998 - Dilate 1998 - Living in Clip 1998 - Little Plastic Castle 1996 - The Past Didn't Go Anywhere 1996 - Dilate 1994 - Ani Difranco 1994 - Not So Soft 1994 - Imperfectly 1994 - Out of Range Hamburg Germany - 10/18/07 Rome Italy - 10/15/04 Saratoga CA - 9/18/06 Kgsr New Music Sampler - Rhythm Garden - 1071 Radio Austin CMJ New Music Monthly Vol 93 May 2001 Music CD Atlanta 10903