Help Center - Getting Around SwapaCD--where IS everything?

Search Terms:

Login link: in middle of toolbar at top of site; also at upper right of homepage   logging in will take you to My Account automatically.

My Account: click My Account in toolbar this appears when you have logged in.

Active transactions: click My Account in toolbar, then  click the tabs below the Message From the Librarian to see CDs in different categories (CDs to Mail, CDs I've Requested, En Route to Me, CDs I've Mailed)

Past/inactive CD transactions: place cursor over My Account in toolbar, then click "Transaction Archive" in menu that drops down.

My CD Tower: place cursor over My Account in toolbar, then click "My CD Tower" in menu that drops down.

Vacation/Hold feature: place cursor over My Account in toolbar, then click "Vacation Hold" in menu that drops down.

Wish List: place cursor over My Account in toolbar, then move cursor down to My Lists > in menu that drops down, and click "My Wish List" in menu that opens to right.

Club Communications: Click My Account in toolbar, then click "Club Communications" link in the yellow bar at the top of the page.

Discussion Forums: place cursor over Community in toolbar, then click "Discussion Forums" in menu that drops down.

Personal Messages: place cursor over Community in toolbar, then click "Discussion Forums" in menu that drops down.