Discussion Forums - Classical

Topic: Who has a good classical tower?

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BobMc (Bob M.)

Subject: Who has a good classical tower?
Date Posted: 1/18/2011 9:56 PM ET
Member Since: 2/24/2009
Posts: 46
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The classical music listings have been, um, a little slim lately.  But sometimes I stumble upon a great list and we end up doing some swaps.   I have the basic repetoire with 500+ classical CD's and am now looking for dynamic performances (e.g. Argerich, Svetlanov, Richter, Gavrilov, Hamelin), classic performances (like Reiner, Walter, Munch, Furtwangler, de Larrocha), unusual finds (Jordi Savaal, Rousset), or good performances of second tier gems.

Bob Mc