Discussion Forums - Questions about SwapaCD

Topic: Question about the 1/4" limit

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KatlynAva (Kat D.)

Subject: Question about the 1/4" limit
Date Posted: 1/21/2010 7:00 PM ET
Member Since: 12/29/2009
Posts: 22
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Ok, so I know in order to be a letter, the package needs to be under 1/4 of an inch. Well I made a makeshift 1/4 of an inch slot in cardboard to see if my packages fit.

Do they need to fall freely through the slot, or as long as they fit when pushed through? 

Anyone happen to know?

capybara (Bill E.)

Date Posted: 1/22/2010 2:06 PM ET
Member Since: 12/5/2009
Posts: 28
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I doubt that the Post Office is consistent about it, but the employee that I talked to said that the item had to fall freely through the slot without any pushing.  (They have an "official" device with a hole in it like the one that you constructed).  My strictly subjective impression was that she was being a bit anal about it and besides, they obviously can't test every package that comes through the system.  I have shipped a lot of CDs now and I don't go to the extreme that this employee suggested.  I have only had one package returned -- and that was one that I handed to this same employee on the day that we had the conversation.

bossajake (Patrick J.)

Date Posted: 1/24/2010 5:47 AM ET
Member Since: 10/20/2008
Posts: 565
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yes, it's true that it should fall through freely from my understanding of their policy, you can pick up one of the postal gauges at the post office for free.  while it is rare for them to be checked some postal clerks are incredibly anal about it - i guess it's the only power they have while working for the postal service.   i do get postage due cds from time to time because of this very problem.  if you choose the right thickness of cardboard like cereal box thickness then it will be less than the 1/4 inch limit.  very very few of the cds shipped like this end up damaged so it is safer than it looks.   patrick

kayote (Kayote B.)

Date Posted: 1/25/2010 12:38 PM ET
Member Since: 5/28/2006
Posts: 704
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It should go easily through the slot.  No shoving.  Mine get checked from time to time if the clerk thinks it feels thick (or if the clerk is annoyed at me knowing the rule).