Codex Calixtinus Anonymous

CDs Codex Calixtinus Anonymous performed on...

Currently Unavailable CDs (2)

2005 - Compostela ad Vesperas Sancto Iacobi - Codex Calixtinus 12th century /Ensemble Organum Peres

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
1992 - The Pilgrimage to Santiago / Bott New London Consort Pickett

Genres: International Music, Special Interest, Pop, Classical

CDs Codex Calixtinus Anonymous helped create...

Currently Unavailable CDs (11)

2008 - Miracles of Compostela

Genres: Pop, Classical
2007 - The Pilgrimage to Santiago

Genres: Special Interest, Pop, Classical
2007 - Orgues de Provence

Genres: Special Interest, Classical
2006 - Pilgrimage to Santiago

2005 - Grgorien 1000 ans de chant

2005 - Alleluia

2004 - Auf Jakobs Wegen Medieval Pilgrimage to Santiago

2004 - Hic est Chorus - Liturgical Music from the Cathedrals of the Kingdom of Galicia from medieval codices to the classical romantic period

2003 - Compostelle Le Chante De L'Etoile

2000 - Cross of Red - Music of Love War from the Time of the Crusades

1996 - Miracles of Sant'iago Music from the Codex Calistinus