Search - We Are The Fallen :: Tear The World Down

Tear The World Down
We Are The Fallen
Tear The World Down
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
  •  Track Listings (11) - Disc #1

2010 debut album from this band featuring former members of Evanescence joined by American Idol vocalist Carly Smithson. The formidable five-some is comprised of the original members of multi-platinum trailblazing band Eva...  more »


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CD Details

All Artists: We Are The Fallen
Title: Tear The World Down
Members Wishing: 0
Total Copies: 0
Label: Universal Music
Original Release Date: 1/1/2010
Re-Release Date: 5/11/2010
Genres: Alternative Rock, Pop, Rock
Number of Discs: 1
SwapaCD Credits: 1
UPC: 602527379029


Album Description
2010 debut album from this band featuring former members of Evanescence joined by American Idol vocalist Carly Smithson. The formidable five-some is comprised of the original members of multi-platinum trailblazing band Evanescence, guitarists Ben Moody and John LeCompt along with drummer Rocky Gray, joined by breakout American Idol finalist Carly Smithson on vocals. Acclaimed bassist Marty O'Brien (Disturbed and Static-X, among others) rounds out We Are The Fallen's unique sound.

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CD Reviews

Very Good Debut
L. Hughes | 05/11/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)

"I was a little iffy on Ben Moody's new project at first. Upon first listen there's no doubt that they sound a LOT like Evanescence, down to Carly's voice. However, I decided to change the way I listen to the album and look at it this way... Ben helped with the music of Evansecence's first album, so of course he's going to sound the same in his new band... that's his sound.

Secondly, I loved "Fallen," it was a brilliant album, but Evanescence is growing in a different direction, and if I give "We Are The Fallen," a chance, I can have the best of both worlds. Ben's sound with WATF and Amy's lyrics and voice with Evanescence.

Finally, it's about the music. If the music is good, then listen to it. This album carries on the sound that was introduced to the world with "Fallen," but into a new decade, with a new singer, and attitude. I think WATF has a lot of potential, and "Tear The World Down," is a good start and worth the money."
Fallen, again.
A. Grace | Michigan | 05/11/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)

"My sister said it all. I was listening to this album on my iPod, and she walked into the room. "Listen," I said, "it's this new band called We Are The Fallen." "Oh," she said, "I thought it was Evanescence."

Subtle differences between the two? Creative evolution? Sure, there's some of that, but really, listen to the sound clips, and essentially you hear "Evanescence Part Two." The good news is that if you adore the old "Fallen" sound, and if you're not holding an artistic grudge against the Ben Moody/Amy Lee split (of which I know no details, so I can't comment), you're going to enjoy this album. This is not just hard rock, but the hard rock that Ben Moody makes beautiful, magnified by strings and softened by piano. The lyrics haven't changed much, either, still dramatizing the darker side of relationships ("The nightmares I find here/All my tears pull me through hell again," "When the moonlight sings the darkness brings me back to die with you," etc.). Eh, whatever. I always listened to them for their music, anyway.

The one real drawback for me is something I almost hate to say, but here it is: Carly Smithson is not Amy Lee. I don't dislike her voice; in fact, she's quite good. But her style feels like an attempt to *be* Amy, so of course she falls short just as anyone else would. (Particularly, Carly's highest notes sometimes sound a bit shrill, more hollered than belted.) Even when striving to emulate someone else, though, her talent shines through. I hope that, in the future, she will emerge with her own vocal identity.

Personal favorite moments: the sweetly loyal, power-ballad-esque "I Will Stay," the pop-style percussion in the verses of "Without You," the lovely strings-laden outro of "Bury Me Alive," and the simplicity and tender vocal harmonies of "Sleep Well, My Angel." Personal creepiest moment: the perfectly rendered, chaotic mood of "St. John."

All in all, if you're an Evanescence fan and know what you're buying, you won't be disappointed. Probably a more accurate band name would be Still Fallen. This "new" band of Ben Moody's doesn't sound all that new, but I liked the old band just fine, so I have no trouble enjoying "Tear The World Down.""
"All my love is lost, all my hope is gone ..."
Joy | Fairfax, VA USA | 05/14/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)

"On my third listen now (EDIT: Since this review, I must have heard this over 30 times now, I can't stop listening to it!) as I'm typing this and there's one thing I wanted to mention before getting to the review.

First, before the review I want to say, in my opinion that is, that Amy Lee should just recruit the rest of Evanescence back! This album would be so much better if Amy Lee were singing. What should happen is Evanescence get back all the original members. No one can replace the two people who began Evanescence in the first place. I just want the original band back. Until that happens, that magic that made me a fan of Evanescence, I'll never hear again. BUT, I am going to just review this album for what it is.

I have to also mention that I absolutely LOVE the album cover!! One of the best album covers!!

Bury Me Alive is awesome, it was the first track I heard prior to this release and I like the music itself.

Burn is really awesome and really makes me think of some of the pre-Fallen and Fallen songs. I actually really love this song. It's really awesome musically. I love the middle of the song, the bridge part the most. It sounds like a child singing in the background. It also sounds a little gothic as well. It's a definite favorite on the album!

Paradigm has these keys I really love in it. Another awesome song and makes me think of the heavier songs from Fallen! I love it!

Don't Leave Me Behind really makes me think of pre-Fallen and Fallen again, especially Imaginary with the mention of monsters, or at least I could have sworn I heard the mention of monsters in here somewhere. I love the solo and the music itself. Another favorite!

Sleep Well, My Angel is a ballad. I really love this song. I think this is my favorite track on the whole album. I love these lyrics:

Watching you sleep for so long,

Knowing I can't turn the rain into sun any more

I've given you all that I have,

Now I stand here, too scared to hold your hand.

Afraid you might wake to see

The monster that had to leave

'Cause you see the shelter as the storm

Holding wind to keep you on,

You are everything to me, this is why I have to leave,

So sleep well my angel.

It starts out kind of quiet but then gets louder and I love the part when you hear "I'm sorry." This really moves me actually, I can relate to the lyrics and I love the melody. Please listen to this track, it's a masterpiece and what I wouldn't give to hear Amy Lee sing this!! A total masterpiece!!

Through Hell reminds me yet again of some of the heavier pre-Fallen and Fallen tracks. I love this! Another favorite on here and I love how it's about nightmares.

I Will Stay has an amazing melody. You will also hear Carly sing in another tone and register in the verses. It's a more mid-tempo track and I really love this one too! Another one I would love to hear Amy Lee sing!! Another winner here!!

Without You has amazing keys or piano that I really love. It's awesome!

Oh, God, I LOVE how the music itself is in St. John with the keys or piano you hear! This is another favorite here!! The chorus is amazing too with the lyrics "All my Questions have no answers, I can feel the fear inside me, mommy come get me out tonight" and this sounds so gothic, it's the most, real gothic sounding song on here, I totally love it!! I love the part in the song also with the lyrics "Forgive me, with wings adorn me, so I can fly." The guitar solo is another reason I love it. Must hear and definitely my favorite non-ballad on this album!! TOTAL masterpiece!! Please, please hear this track!!!

I Am Only One is another ballad, another awesome track! A favorite once again.

Tear The World Down, the last track on the album, another song that reminds me of some Fallen songs like Imaginary. This is definitely another favorite on here, it has some gothic sounds in it as well, another gothic sounding song. I love this part in the middle with the lyrics "All my love is lost, all my hope is gone ..." since I can totally relate. There's a solo at the end with just the music, especially the piano or keys. It's the perfect album closer. So epic and must hear!!!

I love how I can also really relate to the lyrics on here. Especially on Sleep Well, My Angel and Tear The World Down.

I am actually quite impressed with this album, even though Amy Lee isn't singing. Carly isn't bad, she did very good on vocals on here and I am in no way dissing her or thinking less of her, even if some songs I would love to hear Amy sing as well. So please don't think I'm putting down Carly and as I said above, I'm reviewing this album for what it is. Of course my dream is for all original members of Evanescence to get back together but this album, as a stand alone album, is a very epic album and I do love Carly's vocals. I do feel it to be a masterpiece and hope it does well on Billboard. The musicianship goes without saying, it's flawless!! I highly recommend this album, even if you do prefer Amy Lee like I do overall. Please, please buy and listen to this whole album, it's an amazing work of art!!"